Keep for Cheap with DefendX

For years, software companies have centered their marketing around “data growth,” and recently this need has become a reality. It’s no surprise that there is an outpouring of clients who are struggling to determine which category to drop their data into. What to keep and what to get rid of is a common question amongst longtime business leaders who have watched their companies expand and collect data along the way. 

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It’s difficult for an administrator to get control of network storage when space begins to dwindle. Users see storage space as an unlimited supply for all of their files including videos, music, and personal executables.

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File Data Storage: Options Now Expanded

In an ideal world, your high-performance primary tier is used exclusively for active files.  Yet in practice, up to 80% of file data becomes stale but continues to reside in expensive primary storage.  DefendX Software’s VFM can help you reduce storage costs through powerful and flexible file data tiering and archiving.  It helps you avoid the “server sprawl” that happens when you continually purchase more hardware and capacity ― after all, not all of your file data is of equal importance. 

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Welcome to Storage Insights

It’s here!  The all-new Storage Insights ― the industry blog designed to help you overcome your toughest file data storage challenges. In an era of tight IT resources, Storage Insights will give you the tools you need to manage the massive amounts of file data your users generate every day.  

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File Storage: Lost in the Funhouse

Halloween is coming up, and we’ve got a spooky story of file storage to chill your blood: this is “Lost in the Funhouse.”

It was a file storage administrator’s nightmare: old files were being archived to an archive platform, then a shift happened sending files to another platform, and during the process the cloud was added into the mix. And then the emails began to show up. A few at first, then steadily more, all with the same message:

“Where are my files?”

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