Are Your Files Protected From Insider Threats?

DefendX CEO, Joe Cutroneo's, Forbes Tech Council Article:

Today, the majority of transactions are conducted via technology. From how we shop to how we work, a good chunk of our time involves hours spent in front of the computer, navigating our way through loads of data. While this undoubtedly has made nearly everything in our daily lives more convenient, it, unfortunately, opens up the doors to more insider threats, and you have to be far more cautious of both the past and present employees who have access to your organization’s system.

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Combining Waterfall Tiering Data Management And The New Work-At-Home Culture For Maximum Benefits

Forbes Tech Council Article, written by DefendX CEO Joe Cutroneo

Under the new work-at-home culture, employees save on commute time and have enhanced their work/home life balance, resulting in less stress. That, paired with the money employers save by being able to forgo property leases for working space, makes this new way of tackling the daily grind a win-win.

This major shift in working culture comes alongside a need for more efficient data storage in the current file data management systems that are used by companies worldwide. The emerging trend that companies are seeing is a shift to what is called “waterfall tiering” for their data.

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Can you index your files based on their content?

As technology growth continues to pick up speed, more and more business owners will likely find themselves overwhelmed by the thought of having to control their data. The decision to delete, move and expand a file system can be rightfully stressful. And if a company has the hope of expansion, they will likely see themselves suffering with the growing pains involved in having to keep track and store files in some sort of organized fashion.

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How Waterfall Tiering Can Help With Data Management

DefendX CEO, Joe Cutroneo's, Forbes Tech Council Article:
Over the past several years, the growth of technology has enhanced convenience for people at work and at home. While the thought of storing the additional data that we use on a daily basis can be daunting, it’s not much different than how you would store belongings in your home. Like the movement of your personal articles from one closet to the other, data needs to be moved and archived, and one of the new ways to do this is by waterfall tiering. 
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How To Secure Permissions And Avoid Internal Data Theft

It goes without saying that a business leader's role comes with a lot of responsibility. Leaders are saddled with day-to-day tasks, including the management of multi-level teams, face time with outside clients, payroll and employee issues and keeping tabs on company goals.

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Keep for Cheap with DefendX

For years, software companies have centered their marketing around “data growth,” and recently this need has become a reality. It’s no surprise that there is an outpouring of clients who are struggling to determine which category to drop their data into. What to keep and what to get rid of is a common question amongst longtime business leaders who have watched their companies expand and collect data along the way. 

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Cloud First Strategy for the Future: Part 2

It’s not surprising that the ‘cloud first’ mentality has become a common theme in the computer world, as it allows businesses to get their hands on top-rated technology with little effort. Since 2013, several software companies have made it their mission to provide a seamless transition into a ‘cloud first’ way of working. DefendX is proud to be a part of this transition and their flexible options offer more than one way of  securing and archiving unstructured data. 

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Data Archiving: How To Accelerate A Cloud-First Strategy For Your Company

Forbes Technology Council
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Cloud First Strategy for the Future: Part 1

Over the past decade, the phrase ‘cloud first’ has become common language among those involved in business technology. The term has developed a definition all on its own and essentially refers to cloud-based technology as being a leader in the industry. It has established itself in conversations regarding IT projects in industries across the board and has most recently become a trend to look out for in 2021. 

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Protecting Your Business From Insider Threats

How do you securely manage virtual employees and independent consultant and contractor employees?

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